FDOT, FHP, and Florida Transportation Builders Urge Caution During National Work Zone Awareness Week: Road Construction Work Zone Fatalities on the Rise Both Nationally and in Florida
Abstract:The Florida Highway Patrol will be conducting “Operation Hardhat” enforcement operations in work zone areas where increased crashes, injuries, and fatalities have occurred. Operation Hardhat is a selective enforcement program that uses troopers dressed as construction workers and armed with laser radars to detect and cite motorists who are speeding through construction zones. Drivers should be reminded that speeding fines are doubled in construction zones where workers are present. The fine for traveling just 10 miles per hour over the posted speed limit in an active construction zone is $200, plus court costs. The major causes of crashes in work zones are careless driving, excessive speed, failing to yield the right of way, improper lane changes and following too closely. To further promote National Work Zone Awareness Week, FDOT in partnership with the Florida Cable Telecommunications Association, will air over 2,100 television PSAs from March 18 through April 18 featuring the “Think Along These Lines” campaign.
Publication Date: April 7, 2003
Topics: Fines; Law Enforcement; Laws and Legislation; Speed Control; Work Zone Safety