Multivariate Analysis of Truck Drivers’ Assessment of Work Zone Safety
Author/Presenter: Benekohal, Rahim F.; Shim, EunjaeAbstract:
This paper presents multivariate correlation analyses of truck drivers’ opinions on speed, hazards, roadway features, and traffic control devices in work zones (WZ). About 90% of truck drivers considered the WZ to be more hazardous than regular sections. A higher proportion of less-experienced drivers said so. Less experienced drivers and drivers who considered WZs more hazardous preferred one-lane closure layout. Speeds were correlated with driver age or experience. Half of drivers admitted exceeding WZ speed limits. About three-fourths said arrow boards were too bright and either too high or too low. More-experienced drivers were concerned about visibility, but less experienced ones were concerned with the clarity of the flagger’s message. Pavement edge drop-off, loose construction materials, lack of shoulder, and lane width made over 85% of drivers and a higher proportion of less experienced drivers more uncomfortable. About 70-85% of the drivers considered the traffic control devices helpful. Impact attenuators were ranked highest, followed by cones and a third group containing barrels, tubes, and barricades. Of concrete barriers, 70% said they were helpful, but 28% said they do not like their use.
Volume: 125
Issue: 5
Publication Date: September 1999
Source URL: Link to URL
Publication Types: Books, Reports, Papers, and Research Articles
Topics: Behavior; Perception; Traffic Control Devices; Work Zone Safety