New Work Zone Laws Explained: 15-day License Suspension for Speeding at Least 11 mph Above Posted Limit
Abstract:The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PENNDOT) is joining with law enforcement to issue an important reminder: new work zone safety laws take effect today (June 23, 2003), and you can lose your license for certain violations. Beginning today, Act 229 calls for a 15-day driver’s license suspension for motorists who are caught speeding 11 miles per hour or more above the posted speed limit in an active work zone. Additionally, there will be zero tolerance for speeding in an active work zone. A motorist can now be cited for traveling even one mile per hour over the posted speed limit in an active work zone. Also, fines and points are doubled in all active work zones. Active work zones are places within a work area where workers are actually present. A flashing light mounted on a sign that reads “Active Work Zone When Flashing” will identify these zones. At the end of the active work zone, another signs will be placed that reads “End Active Work Zone.” PENNDOT and other highway agencies and contractors must turn the flashing lights off when work stops for more than one hour to indicate that the work zone is no longer active. Work zones that are of a short duration or have minimal impact on traffic will not use the new signs. According to PENNDOT, 27 people lost their lives in Pennsylvania during 2002 in highway construction work zones. This is a 35 percent increase over 2001 when 20 people died in work zone crashes. Most of these fatalities (24) are motorists, not workers.
Publication Date: June 23, 2003
The Clearinghouse has a copy of this item.
Topics: Laws and Legislation; Speeding; Work Zone Safety