Quality Assurance Program for Work Zone Traffic Control
Author/Presenter: Bryden, James E; Andrew, Laurel B.Abstract:
This paper describes a quality assurance program developed and implemented by the NYSDOT to manage work zone traffic control on Department projects. Using a standardized process, a team of experienced engineers inspects a large sample of projects across the state each year. Standard rating forms are completed to describe the temporary traffic control observed on each project. “Emphasis points”, which describe recurring areas of concern, are evaluated on each project, and a quality rating is assigned using a standardized “1” to “5” scale to describe the overall condition and effectiveness of the project. Quality goals have been established both for average ratings for regional program areas, and for individual projects. Implementation of this quality assurance program over the past 14 years has led to a substantial improvement in the quality of work zone traffic control on New York State projects.
Publisher: Transportation Research Board
Publication Date: 2001
Full Text URL: Link to URL
Paper is also available in Transportation Research Record No. 1745.
Topics: Temporary Traffic Control