QuickZone Helps Estimate Work Zone Traffic Delay
Abstract:QuickZone can quantify corridor delay resulting from capacity decreases in work zones; it can identify the impact on delay of alternative construction phasing plans; and it supports trade-off analyses between construction costs and delay costs. QuickZone also considers alternative phasing schedules, such as locations, time-of-day, and season. It can assess the impact of delay-mitigation strategies, such as alternate routing, signal retiming, lane widening, and ramp metering. QuickZone even supports calculation of work-completion incentives.
Source: Technotes
Volume: 18
Issue: 1
Publisher: University of Maryland, Maryland Transportation Technology Transfer Center
Publication Date: Spring 2002
Topics: Software; Traffic Delays
Volume: 18
Issue: 1
Publisher: University of Maryland, Maryland Transportation Technology Transfer Center
Publication Date: Spring 2002
Notes: The clearinghouse has a copy of this item.
Publication Types: News and Other Non-research Articles
Topics: Software; Traffic Delays