Victoria Cracks Down on Low Roadwork Speed Limits Across the State
Abstract:As a result of a thirty-eight billion dollar Victorian Transport Plan, motorists should expect to see an increase in the number of work zones in Victoria. Work zones require motorists to reduce their speed and use caution, especially when workers are present. Many Victorian motorists believe contractors are overstepping their boundaries by leaving reduced speed signs up even when road work has ceased. In an effort to combat this operation, the Victorian Government has decided to implement a Code of Practice that contractors are expected to obey or they will be excluded from bidding on future Victorian Government road projects. The Code of Practice, which takes effect on September 1, 2010, includes: New requirements for electronic message boards, increased surveillance of work zones, and stricter speed limits in work zones.
Publication Date: August 24, 2010
The clearinghouse has a copy of this item.
Topics: Laws and Legislation; Speed Limits; Temporary Traffic Control