Work Zone Best Practices Guidebook
Abstract:FHWA hopes that practitioners will find the information in the Work Zone Operations Best Practices Guidebook and CD ROM useful for making informed decisions and taking actions that improve the operational efficiency and safety of the Nation’s highway system and our work zones. The Guidebook contains information for 262 work zone best practices. Each practice is described, including the location where it was observed, reasons for its use, benefits received, and points of contact for further information. To make the information easily accessible, the Guidebook contains a series of cross-references and a topical index. The cross-references enable practitioners to identify best practices based on where they were observed, project life cycle stage, type of organization, geographic or demographic characteristics, nature of activity, traffic conditions, and type of roadway. The Guidebook is available for viewing, searching, and download and printing from FHWA’s work zone website.
Volume: 3
Issue: 4
Publisher: Arizona Local Technical Assistance Program
Publication Date: Fall 2003
Topics: Best Practices; Work Zone Safety