Allowing work zone staging changes (making the changes of the work zone traffic control setup) at night on high-volume, urban freeways
In most cases, California allows work zone staging changes at night on freeways. Some examples are listed below:
Due to traffic volumes, California traffic control provisions often allow contractors to initially close only a single lane, and then later into the workshift additional lanes can be closed as needed. For instance, if a contractor is working on a 3-lane freeway and has work to do in the middle lane and the right lane, the contractor can initially start work in the right lane and then at a later time he can also close the middle lane so that work can be performed in both lanes. This would require the contractor to reset the initial lane closure.
California also allows contractors to “flip” lane closures. For instance, on a 2-lane freeway, the contractor can close the right lane to perform work, and then later in the shift reopen the right lane and close the left lane to perform work in that lane.
Typically when the work zone staging/traffic control setup is changed within a work period, the contractor does it with the assistance of the Highway Patrol. Highway Patrol personnel may provide a brief “traffic break” to allow the traffic control setup to be safely changed.
State/Agency: California
Topics: Night; Temporary Traffic Control