Topics of Interest
Topics of Interest
Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety

Buses and trucks with gross vehicle weight ratings of more than 10,000 pounds are involved in significant numbers of fatal work zone crashes each year. Collectively, these vehicle types are referred to as commercial motor vehicles (CMVs).
What does the data say?
Although 2020 showed a decrease in CMV Involvement in fatal work zone crashes (likely due to pandemic-related decreases in overall vehicular travel that year)1, Figure 1 illustrates that the overall trend in recent years has been an increase in CMV-involved fatal work zone crashes and in their involvement as a percentage of all fatal work zone crashes. For comparison purposes, CMV involvement in non-work zone fatal crashes has remained relatively constant at about 10-13 percent during the same time period.

Figure 1. CMV-involved fatal work zone crashes and percent involvement in all fatal work zone crashes, 2013-2022 (Source: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration [NHTSA] Fatality Analysis Reporting System [FARS])
Figure 2 further illustrates that CMVs are involved in more than 30 percent of fatal work zone crashes on urban interstates and more than 50 percent of fatal work zone crashes occurring on rural interstates. CMV involvement is also higher than overall trends in fatal work zone crashes on other roadway types as well.

Figure 2. CMV involvement in fatal work zone crashes by facility type, 2020-2022 average (Source: NHTSA FARS)
What is the cause?
It is not clear from the available data whether the overrepresentation of CMV involvement in fatal work zone crashes is due to:
- more work zones on roadways with more CMVs,
- more CMVs traveling to and from the work zone to deliver and take away materials and equipment, or
- because work zones are more challenging for CMV drivers to negotiate, or
- because driver distraction/inattention results in more frequent rear-end collisions by CMVs and into the rear of CMVs by non-CMVs.
All four possibilities may be partially responsible. Consequently, it will take efforts from federal agencies, state and local transportation and enforcement agencies, contractors, CMV fleet operators, CMV drivers, and non-CMV drivers to help reverse these trends.
Join the mailing list for CMVs in work zones
The Clearinghouse continues to seek out information on what agencies, contractors, fleet managers, and others are doing to reduce the risks of CMV-involved work zone crashes. Please share through the Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety in Work Zones Mailing List if you have examples of plans, programs, or other efforts undertaken to reduce the risks of these crashes in work zones. Your contributions can then be added to the existing list of available resources.
Where can I find more information?
The Work Zone Fatal Crashes and Fatalities dashboard contains state-by-state data on large truck and bus-involved fatal work zone crashes and fatalities.
Agencies and Contractors
Action Plans for Reducing CMV Crashes in Work Zones
- Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety in Work Zones Targeted Action Plan
- FHWA Summary Report: 2015 National Symposium on Work Zones and Large Trucks (includes proposed work plan)
- 2021 Virtual Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV) Safety in Work Zones Webinar
- Strategies to Enhance Large Truck Safety in Work Zones
- Large Truck Safety in Work Zones
- Improving Large Truck Safety through the Design and Operation of Work Zones
- Talking Freight – Work Zone Design and Large Trucks
- The Mountain Rules: Colorado’s Safety Communication Efforts With the Trucking Industry
Work Zone Design and Temporary Traffic Control Guidance
- Work Zone Designer Series: Oversize/Overweight Vehicle Accommodation in Work Zones
- Fact Sheet: Improving Commercial Motor Vehicles’ Ability to Navigate Work Zone Lane Shifts
- Design and Operation of Work Zone Strategies to Improve Large Truck Safety
- Guidelines on Work Zone Access and Egress
- Traveler Information for the Commercial Vehicle Operations Community
- Fact Sheet: Providing In-Cab, Traffic-Related Warning Messages to Commercial Motor Vehicle Drivers
- Fact Sheet: Separating Large Trucks From Non-Truck Traffic in Work Zones
- Fact Sheet: Designing Work Space Access Points to Better Accommodate Large Trucks
- Fact Sheet: Use of Smart Work Zone Technology to Improve Work Space Access Point Safety
- Driving in Work Zones Fact Sheet / Hoja Informativa Sobre el Manejo en las Zonas de Trabajo
- Example: Ohio DOT Standard Plan for Construction Access Point Design
- Using Smart Work Zone Technology to Improve Work Space Access Point Safety
- Designing Work Space Access Points to Better Accommodate Large Trucks
- Separating Large Trucks from Non-Truck Traffic in Work Zones
- Improving Large Truck Safety in Work Zone
- Quick Card: Top Four Construction Hazards / Tarjeta Rápida: Los Cuatros Riesgos Principales de la Construcción
- Work Zone Hazards Workbook / Cuaderno de Trabajo Sobre Peligros en la Zona de Trabajo
- Struck-by Accidents in Construction/Vehicle Back-Over / Golpes Causados por Accidentes en Construccion/Debido a Vehiculos Retrocediendo
- COEX Course on “MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT”, Topic 9 – Machinery for Road Maintenance Operations / Curso COEX sobre “GESTIÓN DEL MANTENIMIENTO”, Tema 9 – Maquinaria para Operaciones de Conservación de Carreteras
CMV Fleet Operators and Drivers
FMCSA Resources
- General Work Zone Safety Tips
- Shareable Safety Tips for Use on Social Media
- Meeting Report: Technologies to Reduce Commercial Motor Vehicle Crashes in Work Zones
- Large Trucks and Buses by the Numbers
ARTBA Work Zone Safety Consortium Resources
Safe Trucking Through Work Zones
Resources Developed by Other Agencies:
CPWR – The Center for Construction Research and Training
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Conserta Training Institute
Kansas State University
North Carolina Department of Transportation
Texas A&M Transportation Institute
Texas Department of Insurance
Texas Department of Public Safety
Research and Other Publications
- Work Zone Safety
- A Comprehensive Study on CMV Safety Using ITS in Work Zones on Freeways and Arterials
- In-Cab Alert System for Commercial Motor Vehicle Drivers
- Safety Assessment of Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control Truck Platooning on Freeway Work Zones
- Improving Commercial Motor Vehicles’ Ability to Navigate Work Zone Lane Shifts
- Oregon’s Umatilla County Partners With Drivewyze to Deliver In-Cab Work Zone Alerts
- First-of-Its-Kind Road Disruption and Work Zone Safety Pilot to Be Launched in Oregon
- Impact of Platooning Connected and Automated Heavy Vehicles on Interstate Freeway Work Zone Operations
- Informing the Work Zone Safety Policy Analysis: Reconciling Multivariate Prediction and Artificial Neural Network Modeling
- QuickMap, the Caltrans App That Gets Better and Better
- Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety in Work Zones Targeted Action Plan
- Providing In-Cab, Traffic-Related Warning Messages to Commercial Motor Vehicle Drivers
- Work Zone Capacity Estimation for High Truck Volume Routes in Arkansas: Predicting Highway Capacity through Work Zones With High Truck Volumes and Reduced Lane Geometry Based Upon Local Conditions
- A Case Study Approach to Understand Heavy Truck Safety-critical Events in Work Zones
- Analysis of Temporal Stability of Contributing Factors to Truck-Involved Crashes at Work Zones in South Carolina
- Connected Vehicle Pilot Deployment Program: Comprehensive Transition Plan – WYDOT
- An Empirical Analysis of Driver Injury Severities in Work-Zone and Non-Work-Zone Crashes Involving Single-Vehicle Large Trucks
- Assessment of Commercial Truck Driver Injury Severity Based on Truck Configuration Along a Mountainous Roadway Using Hierarchical Bayesian Random Intercept Approach
- Driver Distraction Among Commercial Vehicle Operators: A Study Using a Driving Simulator to Enhance Control
- Analysis of Fatal Truck-Involved Work Zone Crashes in Florida: Application of Tree-Based Models
- Analysis of Truck-Involved Work Zone Crash Fatalities in Florida
- Work Zone Designer Series: Oversize/Overweight Vehicle Accommodation in Work Zones
- Modelling of Queue Length in Freeway Work Zones – Case Study Karaj-Tehran Freeway
- NCDOT Pilots New Commercial Trucking Alert System
- Update: Construction Worker Killed by Commercial Vehicle Near Columbus / Actualización: Trabajador de la Construcción Matado por Vehículo Comercial Cerca de Columbus
- Texas Commercial Motor Vehicle Drivers Handbook / Estado de Texas Manual para Conductores de Vehiculos Comerciales
- COEX Course on “Maintenance Management”, Topic 9 – Machinery for Road Maintenance Operations / Curso COEX sobre “Gestión del Mantenimiento”, Tema 9 – Maquinaria para Operaciones de Conservación de Carreteras
- Motor Vehicle Safety / Seguridad al Usar Vehículos Motorizados
- Quick Card: Top Four Construction Hazards / Tarjeta Rápida: Los Cuatros Riesgos Principales de la Construcción
- Work Zone Safety: Vehicle Operators / Seguridad en Zonas de Trabajo: Operadores de Vehículos
- Work Zone Safety: Vehicle Operators
- Driving in Work Zones Fact Sheet / Hoja Informativa Sobre el Manejo en las Zonas de Trabajo
- Improvement of Highway Work Zone Performance by Traffic Management
- Traveler Information for the Commercial Vehicle Operations Community
- Development of Breakdown Probability Models and Heavy Vehicle Passenger Car Equivalents for Rural Freeway Work Zones
- Separating Large Trucks From Non-Truck Traffic in Work Zones
- Trimble and Purdue University Collaborate to Improve Highway Work Zone Safety
- Assessment of the Effectiveness of Connected Vehicle Weather and Work Zone Warnings in Improving Truck Driver Safety
- Work Zones Safety Tips
- Work Zone Safety: Shareable Material
- Designing Work Space Access Points to Better Accommodate Large Trucks
- Presentations from the 2019 Commercial Vehicle Safety Summit: Best Practices for Industry & Law Enforcement Partnerships
- Driver Behavior Models for Heavy Vehicles and Passenger Cars at a Work Zone
- Use of Smart Work Zone Technology to Improve Work Space Access Point Safety
- ARTBA’s Online Learning Center Promotes Safety
- Stopping the Rise in Truck Fatalities Is in Your Hands
- Truck Drivers Share Safety Tips for National Work Zone Awareness Week
- Large Trucks and Buses by the Numbers
- Work Zones Safety Tips
- FMCSA Says Rate of Truck-Occupant Deaths and Fatal Crashes Continues to Climb
- Caltrans Shares Video of Big Rig Tumbling off NorCal Highway After Ignoring Road Signs
- Improving Work Zones Every Day, in Every Way
- A Particle Swarm Optimization Framework for Calibration of Driver Behavior Models at a Work Zone
- Update to Issues Report for Interstate Speed Changes
- Analysis of Large Truck Overrepresentation in Fatal Work Zone Crashes
- Analysis of Injury Severity of Large Truck Crashes in Work Zones
- Design and Operation of Work Zone Strategies to Improve Large Truck Safety
- Safe Trucking Through Work Zones
- Work-Zone Traffic Operation and Capacity
- Enforcement Boosted in I-80 Work Zone After Truck Wrecks
- Expressway Single-Lane Work Zone Capacities with Commercial Vehicle Impacts
- Passenger Car Equivalents for Heavy Vehicles in Work Zones
- New NHTSA Study Confirms Reflective Tape on Big Trucks Reduces Crashes, Fatalities
- Injury Severity and Total Harm in Truck-Involved Work Zone Crashes
1 U.S. Vehicle Miles. Bureau of Transportation Statistics, U.S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D.C. Accessible at