Design and oversight of work zone operations
Responsibilities for temporary traffic control (TTC) are covered in the Traffic Engineering Manual, which can be found at ( Generally, the project designer creates the TTC plan and the construction personnel enforce the plan. The Traffic Engineering Office researches work zone policy and standards and publishes them via tech memo, Traffic Engineering Manual, and/or the MN MUTCD.
Minnesota has a statewide committee on work zone safety that works on new or updated work zone policy/standards. The committee consists of representative members from Mn/DOT offices of Traffic Engineering, Construction, Maintenance, Communications, State Aid, and OSHA Safety, metro and rural areas of the state, the Minnesota State Patrol, the FHWA, and private industry involved in temporary traffic control. The committee suggests changes in work zone policy/standards, and the Traffic Engineering Office researches the suggestions for possible changes. Any proposed changes in policy/standards are reviewed by various groups such as District Engineers, other personnel in various fields of expertise, and committees such as the MN MUTCD committee before being issued as formal policy/standards via a tech memo or included in the MN MUTCD or other manuals. Link to the SWZSC minutes:
Everyone utilizing a public roadway within Minnesota shall follow the standards set forth in the MN MUTCD. Some portions of the MN MUTCD may require higher standards for State Trunk Highways versus lower-volume local roads, but the standards for a particular roadway apply to all who perform work on it. Link to the MN MUTCD:
State/Agency: Minnesota
Topics: Temporary Traffic Control