Design and oversight of work zone operations
The Ohio DOT Office of Traffic Engineering develops all standards and policies dealing with maintenance of traffic work zones. However, design is typically done by consultants with the plan review performed at the district level. If a project is over $10M it requires an additional review by the Office of Traffic Engineering. Construction oversight is done by ODOT’s project inspectors. In addition, the Office of Traffic Engineering reviews all projects twice during a construction season on interstate and interstate look-alike projects. In these reviews they evaluate the project in both directions and videotape as they drive the project. Each project gets a score as part of an “Operational Performance Index.” This score is taken very seriously and impacts upper management at the district level. They selectively look at some of these projects at night. This process covers the whole state.
ODOT’s work zone policies cover anyone who works within the state’s ROW.
State/Agency: Ohio
Topics: Temporary Traffic Control