Flagger training and certification requirements
From New Mexico Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Highway and Bridge Construction:
“618.2.1 Certification
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Before commencing Work that requires flagger traffic control, submit a copy of the ‘Flagger Training’ certificate (wallet sized card) issued by ATSSA, ACNM, FHWA, or an agency or firm approved by the Department.
618.2.1.1 Re-certification
The Contractor shall renew the TCS’s certification every four (4) years through the ATSSA, ACNM, or a Department-approved agency or firm.
The Contractor shall re-certify in the fourth year, before the expiration date of the current certification.
Flaggers must obtain refresher training which meets the requirements of ATSSA, ACNM, FHWA, or agency or firm approved by the Department prior to the fourth anniversary date shown on the current certificate.”
State/Agency: New Mexico
Topics: Certification; Flaggers; Flagging; Training