Time frame allowed for lane closure setup (e.g., 9:00am to 3:30pm)
In Georgia, the practice is to try to allow the contractor to start setup work for the lane closure before 9am, but the contractor cannot start placing the drums for the merge taper until 9am. If it becomes apparent, typically in urban areas, that the setup operation is affecting traffic then the contractor can be directed to wait until 9am or later to start the closure.
The removal of the lane closure must be done by 3pm with all traffic control devices being clear of the travelway. The removal of the advance warning signs can typically be done after 3pm with the same understanding as with the installation of the closure that the removal does not interfere with traffic flow. GDOT tries to give the contractor as long a time as possible to perform work in the roadway, but the GDOT project supervisor has the authority to direct the contractor to remove any closure at any time for the benefit of the traveling public.
State/Agency: Georgia
Topics: Lane Closure