Use of orange fluorescent sheeting on STOP/SLOW paddles
In Illinois, the use of fluorescsent orange slow side on the stop/slow paddle is required when the advance signing is fluorescent orange. Illinois specifications require this on all construction jobs let by the State, but local government agencies (Village, City, Township and Counties) are not required to use the fluorescent orange sheeting on their construction projects. They can use high-intensity orange sheeting if they want to.
Many local County Divisions of Transportation/Highway have adopted special provisions that do require fluorescent orange sheeting on their construction projects and many of the contractors have adopted the use of fluorescent orange as their only inventory color in order to comply with state specifications. Lake County specifies fluorescent orange as the only sheeting the county will accept in its construction and maintenance activities (either contract or by their own forces) or permit construction. That means they also require the fluorescent orange on their stop/slow paddles.
State/Agency: Illinois
Topics: Stop/Slow Paddles