Work zone lighting
Maine DOT Standard Specifications, Section 652.6: Night Work: When work is scheduled during the hours of dusk or darkness, the contractor shall provide and maintain lighting on all equipment and at all work stations.
Lighting facilities shall be capable of providing light of sufficient intensity (20 footcandle minimum) to permit good workmanship, safety and proper inspection at all times. The lighting shall be cut off and arranged on stanchions at a height that will provide perimeter lighting for each piece of equipment and will not interfere with traffic, including commercial vehicles, approaching the work site from either direction. The Contractor shall have available portable floodlights for special areas.
The contractor shall utilize padding, shielding or other insulation of mechanical and electrical equipment, if necessary, to minimize noise, and shall provide sufficient fuel, spare lamps, generators, etc. to maintain lighting of the work sight.
The contractor shall submit a lighting plan at the preconstruction conference, showing the type and location of lights to be used for night work. The resident may require modifications be made to the lighting set up in actual field conditions.