Warning lights on channelizing devices
Massachusetts practices the following:
– Type A lights are used on the first three drums in a series and, if a multiple lane movement is presented, they could be placed on three at the start of each taper. Type C lights are no longer used on MassHighway projects. Project estimates list only plastic drums as a pay item. All other types of drums are considered incidental to the cost of the project.
– Lights on Type III barricades are not a requirement by MassHighway but are allowed.
– Lights on advance signing have been used routinely at MassHighway but usually it is the Type A or Type B (flashing) variety that tends to be used. They are usually used in areas of low light or where emphasis is needed on a message sign.
– In all cases, the use of these lights in conjunction with other traffic control devices must pass the criteria set forth in the NCHRP 350 report and for that reason one tends to see a lot less of the lights used throughout the state of Massachusetts.
State/Agency: Massachusetts
Topics: Channelizing Devices; Warning Lights