Time frame allowed for lane closure setup (e.g., 9:00am to 3:30pm)
Nevada assesses each location depending on the scope of work, speeds, traffic volumes, etc. and makes the determination as to how many lanes need to be kept open, what hours the contractor can work, and whether any traffic control devices can be brought out to the site prior to the hours stipulated.
Typical urban freeway scenario is that no lane closures can occur before the time(s) set, but signs and other devices can be available on-site prior to the lane(s) being closed, with liquidated damages imposed for non-comformance to the working hours.
Rural freeway work has been allowed during daylight hours in various locations based on the same criteria as above when it is determined that daylight hours and volumes are not restrictive enough to warrant mandatory night work. Holidays typically are handled with no work on the day before, during, or after the holiday, unless no lanes are required to be closed, then it is the contractor’s option to work these days.
Other locations, such as Las Vegas, may have additional restrictions (e.g., directional restrictions where no work can be performed on Thursday/Friday on the lanes coming in to town or no work performed on Sunday/Monday on lanes leaving town) to minimize work zone impacts on the known increase in traffic volumes in any given direction.
State/Agency: Nevada
Topics: Lane Closure