Penalty for failing to promptly open lanes beyond the lane closure limit
In California, the calculated amount (penalty) deducted from the contractor varies from contract to contract. It is based on the existing capacity of the freeway, the number of lanes closed, and the traffic demand.
For each 10-minute interval, or fraction thereof past the time specified to reopen the closure, the department deducts the calculated amount per interval from moneys due or that may become due to the contractor under the contract.
The amount is calculated based on the Moskovitz Curve:
-Area – Average no. of vehicles in queue for hour and previous hour
-Queue length – no. of vehicles in queue x 25 ft / 5280 ft / mi x no. of existing lanes
-Individual delay – no. of vehicles in queue / open-lane capacity x 60 minutes
See the web site below for an example.
State/Agency: California
Website: Link to URL
Topics: Lane Closure