Penalty for failing to promptly open lanes beyond the lane closure limit
New Jersey DOT does charge for overrunning lane closure time limits. NJDOT’s Road User Cost Manual (available at the web site below) is used to quantify the impacts to the traveling public, and the calculated values are used as charges. For example, an allowable lane closure is permitted from 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. In accordance with the NJDOT Road User Cost Manual, the road user cost would be calculated for the traffic volume impacted by the lane closure for the next hour (6:00 to 7:00 a.m.) and converted to a rate per minute (rounded to the nearest $10). Therefore, the minimum rate is $10/minute. There is no limit to the rate per minute, however, there is a $10,000 per day maximum that can be charged to a contractor.
State/Agency: New Jersey
Website: Link to URL
Topics: Lane Closure