Temporary rumble strips
WSDOT has been interested over the past few years in temporary rumble strips, and has tried a few different types without much luck.
The most recent product evaluated has been a temporary rumble strip tape that comes on a roll, which is orange in color and is the “peel and stick” type. The manufacturer provided a primer for use with the product. Crews used it on a bridge replacement project on a two-lane, two-way roadway across the lane in advance of a temporary signal system to draw motorist attention to the stop condition ahead. One issue they had was getting the tape to adequately adhere to the pavement. They ended up having to heat up the pavement first, then apply primer. The second and main issue was that the material did not provide the rumble effect without having to place multiple layers of the material.
A few years ago a project used Type 2 buttons on I-5 in advance of a speed reduction entering a work zone to draw attention to the condition. It was fairly successful but was also labor intensive to install and maintain.
The concept of temporary rumble strips definitely has merit and can provide a benefit in a work zone application. The trick is finding a product that will perform adequately. The product needs to be easy to install and it must be cost-effective.
The ideal application for rumble strips, especially if they are the tape type, is on two-lane, two-way roadways with lower traffic volumes and speeds so that the material will hold up better to the traffic. The thickness needs to be substantial enough to be noticeable as it is driven over and wake up the driver but also has to adhere well to the pavement so it does not come up prematurely. One test used temporary tape on a high-speed, multi-lane roadway but it only lasted about two days before it was completely worn away and peeled off.
WSDOT has tried other portable speed bumps/humps as an alternative to rumble strips but has found issues with these products in that they tend to move and creep unless they are physically nailed to the pavement which takes away from the portability, especially in a daily work operation.
State/Agency: Washington
Topics: Temporary Rumble Strips