Changing light bulbs on overhead signs
Texas DOT does not have a hard policy requiring lane closures for replacing lamps on overhead signs. However, the types of facilities (high-speeds, often high-volume) where these signs are located make it difficult to do this work without closing lanes. Adequate space has to be made for bucket trucks or man-lifts and our crews are encouraged not to work over open lanes. Some of the state’s sign bridges have catwalks, but there is still the chance of falling or dropping tools or equipment if working over a live lane.
At least partially for these reasons, TxDOT’s current direction is moving away from lighting overhead signs. Since 2003, their standards have required Type VIII or Type IX prismatic retroreflective sheeting for new installations of overhead guide signs rather than external lighting. Their latest sign lighting standards are from 1995 and are not anticipated to be updated.
State/Agency: Texas
Topics: Lane Closure; Maintenance Practices