Time frame allowed for lane closure setup (e.g., 9:00am to 3:30pm)
For contractors doing projects for Caltrans, the beginning time shown in contracts is the time the contractor can actually start closing the lane (i.e. begin placing cones). Contractors can set up signs before the start time shown in the contract. The ending time shown in the contract is the time for the lane to be completely re-opened to traffic. Contractors can remove signs after the end time. Using a 9am to 3pm example, the contractor typically starts placing signs on the shoulder before 9am and then at 9am begins closing the lane. And then a contractor would typically begin picking up the signs at 2:30pm or so (depending on the length and number of lanes closed) in order to have the lane(s) completely re-opened by 3pm.
For the maintenance forces, in most cases, the same applies for lane closures, where setup and takedown time is part of the overall time window for the lane closure.
State/Agency: California
Topics: Lane Closure