Time frame allowed for lane closure setup (e.g., 9:00am to 3:30pm)
In Connecticut, lane closure times are typically set based on traffic volumes. For daytime operations, the allowable hours on most roadways are 9 am to 3 pm.
Limited-access roadways are normally more restrictive in terms of the duration of closures affecting multilane traffic. Most limited-access (interstate) work is done at night and the closures vary but do not start before 7 pm, and closures end no later than 6 am. During the summer an additional restriction is imposed for work on major intestate routes (I-95, 91, 84). The contractors will not be allowed to have any lane closures in place Fri-Sunday.
The hours indicated above are inclusive for any activity. Workers, equipment, and the installation and breakdown of the pattern must all be performed during these hours.
Below are some sample specifications that are used to develop contract provisions.
Sample Specification 1
Sample Specification 2 – Maintenance and Protection of Traffic
Sample Specification 3 – Traffic Control During Construction Operations
State/Agency: Connecticut
Topics: Lane Closure