Top-mounted object markers for delineation of portable concrete barrier wall on highway projects or alternative devices
New York state standard specifications require delineation on temporary barrier as follows: “The contractor shall provide and maintain delineation on the temporary barriers. This delineation shall make the barrier visible to approaching traffic as well as traffic which is adjacent to the barrier. The contractor shall have the choice of using one, or more, of the following: warning lights, delineators, pavement marking, reflectorized tape placed on the barrier, reflective paint, or any other device subject to the approval of the Engneer. The delineation devices shall be maintained dirt and snow free and visible throughout the term of the contract including shutdown periods.”
In addition to these requirements, designers typically require various forms of delineation in the contract plans. There is no department standard for the type of delineation or attachment method.
State/Agency: New York
Topics: Delineators; Temporary Concrete Barriers