Traffic control for volunteer litter pickup crews
Virginia DOT provides and installs “Adopt-A-Highway” signs for the volunteer group. The volunteers agree to pick up litter four times a year on a two-mile stretch of roadway for two years. The group must hold at least one safety meeting per year to review VDOT-supplied safety information. No one may participate in a pickup unless he or she has attended this safety meeting within the last 12 months.. The safety meeting may be conducted immediately before a pickup in a safe appropriate area prior to performing work on the roadway. VDOT supplies volunteers with “clean up crew working” signs, which they install before they begin litter pickup operations. VDOT supplies the group with safety vests and litter bags. The group may elect to remove the litter from the roadway or schedule a VDOT crew to pick up the litter. For more information and additional safety guidelines, visit the Adopt-A-Highway program website,
State/Agency: Virginia
Topics: Maintenance Practices; Temporary Traffic Control