Traffic management techniques (beyond the MUTCD) used to reduce accidents in work zones
Indiana DOT uses the “Indiana Lane Merge” (now called Dynamic Lane Merge System).
1. Flashing signs indicating reduced work zone speeds when work is in progress.
2. Higher fines in work zones for violations. Large signs on work zone entries state policy on interstate and major roadways. Also same signs used in advance of work zones.
3. Increased state police patrols in selected work zones.
4a. Some projects have tried non-standard signs, i.e. DO NOT TAILGATE, TAILGATING CAUSES ACCIDENTS.
4b. Road construction signs, 1 MILE AHEAD; 2 MILES AHEAD, 3 MILES AHEAD
State/Agency: Indiana
Where Documented: "Indiana Lane Merge System" handout.
Topics: Law Enforcement; Temporary Traffic Control