Use of drone radar and automated flaggers in work zones
Illinois DOT has used drone radar in both urban and rural work zones, and it was perceived to be somewhat effective. One problem was that drivers soon realized that no police were present and they returned to speeding. After trying out the radar in several situations, its most effective use has been determined to be in short-term maintenance operations. IDOT does not have established policy/guidelines, and allows maintenance crews to use drone radar if they feel it will be effective in their areas.
Illinois DOT has used automated flaggers in both urban and rural stationary construction/maintenance zones. The flagger used is the J4 Flagger Station manufactured by Endless Visions, which was perceived to be somewhat effective. The disadvange is that well-trained flaggers are necessary to make the device function as a standard flagging situation. IDOT has guidelines describing proper location of the flagger and device and its proper use. Comments: As a flagging operation, the use of the device must as closely as possible replicate flagger operations as defined by the MUTCD. Otherwise, drivers will misinterpret or disregard the device.
State/Agency: Illinois
Topics: Drone Radar; Portable Traffic Signals