Vest color for flaggers
The following is specified in Florida DOT’s Safety and Loss Prevention Manual:
“10.3.9 Safety Vests
(A) All Department employees working on DOT Right of Way, regardless of the distance from the roadway, and on any other non-DOT Right of Way where there is an exposure to traffic are required to wear approved high-visibility apparel. A minimum of a Class 2 vest is required. Flaggers working at night must wear orange Class 3 apparel.
(B) The requirements in Paragraph (A) also apply to rainwear. Rain coats or rain suits must be a Class 2 or 3 high-visibility apparel with reflective stripes on the sleeves, the front and the back of the rainwear or the employee must wear at least a Class 2-vest over the orange or yellow rainwear.”
State/Agency: Florida
Website: Link to URL
Topics: High Visibility Clothing