Work zone speed limit
NYSDOT’s Work Zone Speed Reduction policy, detailed in Engineering Instruction 08-030 (see web site below), encourages use of advisory or recommended speeds with speed limit reductions limited to where there are restrictive features or exposed workers on high speed controlled access facilities. To communicate with motorists, the state uses static signs with a WORK ZONE panel mounted directly above the speed limit sign. The following statement is also used on signs: FINES DOUBLED FOR SPEEDING IN WORK ZONES. New York also uses a sign advising motorists that they can lose their license for two work zone speeding tickets. Also in use is Portable Variable Message Signs with radar to display messages advising what the speed limit is and the driver’s speed. Flashing beacons are generally not used, although sometimes orange warning flags are used.
State/Agency: New York
Website: Link to URL
Topics: Signing; Speed Limits