A Guide for Work Zone Crash Data Collection, Reporting, and Analysis
Author/Presenter: Datta, Tapan; Nicita, Nicholas; Gates, Timothy; Edara, Praveen; Parajuli, SahadevAbstract:
This guide describes the work zone crash data collection and reporting process, as well as the benefits and challenges in developing a unified system across the states. The quality and consistency of work zone crash data suffers from the variation in crash data elements collected by states and individual record keeping. This guide focuses on which work zone related attributes should be included on all state crash report forms, the justification for inclusion of work zone crash data elements, best practices among the 50 states, and how to overcome various challenges when implementing uniform work zone crash data elements. Recommendations are also provided in achieving the work zone related data element inclusion at the state level.
Publication Date: 2017
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See the 508 compliant version of the document.
Topics: Best Practices; Countermeasures; Crash Analysis; Crash Data; Crash Reports; Data Collection; Work Zones