Analysis of Work Zone MOT Data Collection and Usage Procedures
Author/Presenter: Spainhour, Lisa; Mtenga, Primus V.Abstract:
Several years ago, in an effort to better understand the factors affecting traffic crashes in work zones, the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) developed the ‘Engineers Maintenance of Traffic (MOT) Evaluation at Accident Site’ form. The MOT accident report form provides a means to document crashes which occur in a construction work zone, including information such as type of project, routing of vehicles, safety devices used, etc. Based on analysis of the FDOT’s MOT accident report form and of the data collection procedures used by other states, researchers redesigned and developed as a web-based data entry form. The goal was to provide a quicker and less errorprone means of collecting data in the event of a work zone crash. Querying and reporting functionality were designed into the system.
Publication Date: May 2002
The Clearinghouse has a copy of this item.
Topics: Crash Analysis; Crash Data; Crash Reports; Work Zones