Temporary Traffic Control Design Guidelines
Abstract:This document is intended to provide guidelines relating to the design of temporary traffic control for state highway construction, maintenance related operations, utility operations, and incident management operations. The guidelines should be used with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (Current Edition with Arizona Supplement) (MUTCD), Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) Standard Specifications, and ADOT Stored Specifications. Work activities including roadway construction, maintenance operations, utility work, and incident management operations are often unique and require a site‐specific plan for each situation encountered. While the MUTCD provides the foundation and the basis for the application and use of traffic control devices, this design guide is intended to provide additional guidance to designers, field construction and maintenance personnel, and contractors in establishing and implementing safe, efficient, well‐conceived traffic control plans. This design guide should be used as an extension of the MUTCD in the day to day implementation of the MUTCD standards. It is the intent of this document to provide additional information which is applicable specifically to the practices, policies, and procedures currently being implemented on the Arizona State Highway System.
Publication Date: September 2019
Full Text URL: Link to URL
Publication Types: Manuals, Policies, Guidelines, and Handbooks, etc.
Topics: Changeable Message Signs; Crash Cushions; Delineators; Portable Traffic Signals; Temporary Concrete Barriers; Temporary Pavement Markings; Temporary Traffic Control; Traffic Control Devices; Traffic Control Plans; Truck-Mounted Attenuators; Warning Lights; Work Zones