Review of Safety Measures, Standards & Practices
Author/Presenter: Kanellaidis, GeorgeAbstract:
The ARROWS Project (Advanced Research on Road Work Zone Safety Standards in Europe) is funded by the European Commission under the Transport RTD Programme of the 4th Framework Programme. It began on 18 September 1996 under the provisions of Contract No. RO-96-SC.401. The planned duration of the project is two years.
The main objectives of ARROWS include:
- Development of a unified range of applicable road work zone safety measures and principles that should govern the planning, design, implementation and operation of road work zones so as to mitigate their adverse effects on the safety of workers and road users.
- Production of a handbook for practical guidance to network managers at all levels.
The present Deliverable 1 reports on the work carried out for Workpackage 1 of the ARROWS Project, titled Review of safety measures, standards and practices. The main objectives of Workpackage 1 were:
- To concentrate the collective experience from different countries and studies in the field of road work zone safety measures.
- To agree on a typology for consistent use throughout ARROWS.
- To create a full inventory of safety measures, standards and practices for use in the subsequent evaluation, assessment and recommendation process.
Publisher: ARROWS Consortium
Publication Date: 2002
Topics: Countermeasures; Standards; State of the Practice; Temporary Traffic Control; Traffic Control Devices; Work Zone Safety
Publication Date: 2002
Publication Types: Books, Reports, Papers, and Research Articles
The Clearinghouse has a copy of the item.
Topics: Countermeasures; Standards; State of the Practice; Temporary Traffic Control; Traffic Control Devices; Work Zone Safety