ARTBA Alerts Motorists to the “Signs of Change” During National Work Zone Awareness Week Event
Abstract:A group of government and safety officials, transportation construction industry employees and motorists gathered on this date at the Woodrow Wilson Bridge in the Nation’s Capital to mark National Work Zone Awareness Week. The theme for this year’s event, “Signs of Change,” refers to the bright orange roadway signage alerting drivers to the various conditions found in work zones. The eighth annual National Work Zone Awareness Week observance is supported by American Road & Transportation Builders Association, the Federal Highway Administration, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Associated General Contractors, American Traffic Safety Services Association, VADOT, MDDOT and the District of Columbia DOT. The event serves to focus public attention on dangerous work zone conditions before the busy summer construction season begins.
Publication Date: April 3, 2007
The Clearinghouse has a copy of this item.
Topics: Safety Campaigns; Work Zone Safety