Caltrans Updates Work Zone Standards
Author/Presenter: Anderson, Roy W.Abstract:
The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) has issued a revision to Chapter 5 of its Traffic Manual. Chapter 5 is also published separately as the Manual of Traffic Controls for Construction and Maintenance Work Zones. The new revision, which became effective January 1, 1990, updates the 1985 edition. The new revision provides a general updating and among the more significant changes are:
– New emphasis on the requirement that Traffic Control Plans (TCP) be developed for all projects.
– Update of new warning signs and policies for their use.
– Added MUTCD requirements that provide that “barricades shall have a minimum of 270 square inches of retroreflective area facing traffic when used on freeways, expressways, and other high speed highways.”
– Added a discussion on the use of crash cushions in work zones.
– Added a discussion on the use of glare screens and “gawking” screens in work zones.
– Added a new section on “Temporary Markings.”
– Added a new section, “Principles of Work Zone Traffic Control,” which discusses the five basic areas within a work zone. It also discusses taper length criteria and provides formulas to calculate the various conditions.
Publisher: TranSafety, Inc.
Publication Date: March 2000
The Clearinghouse has a copy of this item.
Topics: Standards; Temporary Traffic Control