Comparison of ORS and Asphalt Rumble Strips
Author/Presenter: Meyer, Eric; Walton, ScottAbstract:
In this evaluation, the Removable Rumble Strip from Advanced Traffic Markings (ATM) was compared with the KDOT standard asphalt rumble strips (Asphalt). Orange strips from ATM were used in this evaluation, and are referred to as “orange rumble strips” or “ORS.” The evaluation concludes that, in general, the ATM Removable Rumble Strips performed comparably to the asphalt rumble strips with respect to sound and vibration generated and speeds observed. The orange color appeared to increase the speed reductions, but that reduction was short lived. The strips were very easy to install, and even easier to remove. Very little damage was done to the pavement. The only complaint about the installation process was that the backing tore frequently, increasing the effort necessary to lay down each strip.
Publication Date: 2002
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Topics: Color; Evaluation and Assessment; Rumble Strips; Speed Control; Temporary Rumble Strips