Compliance Testing of an End Treatment for the Low-Profile Concrete Barrier
Author/Presenter: Beason, William Lynn; Menges, Wanda L.; Ivey, Don L.Abstract:
Full-scale crash testing was completed in this project to assure that a previously developed low-profile end treatment complies with test level 2 criteria for terminals and redirective crash cushions as presented in NCHRP Report 350. Together, the new end treatment and the low-profile barrier provide an innovative barrier system acceptable for use on most local and collector roads and many work zones depending upon applicable guidelines. The tip of the end treatment has a minimum height of 102 mm that transitions to a maximum height of 5 10 mm in a distance of 4.6 in. The 5 10 mm end of the end treatment connects to the previously developed 5 10 mm low-profile barrier. The overall length of the end treatment is 6.1 in. The primary advantage of the low-profile barrier system is that the 5 10 mm height of the system is less than the traditional concrete barrier height of 8 10 mm. The reduced height provides enhanced driver visibility that should lead to a reduced number of accidents in highway work zones and other appropriate locations. The performance of the low-profile end treatment was demonstrated through a series of five full-scale crash tests. On the basis of the results of these crash tests, coupled with the results of previous tests on the low-profile barrier, the complete low-profile barrier system including the end treatment is recommended for implementation, pending the concurrence of FHWA, in situations that are consistent with NCHRP Report 350 test level 2 applications.
Publication Date: April 1998
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Publication Types: Books, Reports, Papers, and Research Articles
Topics: Barriers (Roads); Crash Tests; Traffic Control Devices