Computer Model for Evaluating and Scheduling Freeway Work-Zone Lane Closures
Author/Presenter: Krammes, Raymond A.; Dudek, Conrad L.; Memmott, Jeffery L.Abstract:
QUEWZ is a computer model that was developed in 1982 as a tool for planning and scheduling freeway work-zone operations. The model analyzes traffic flow through lane closures in freeway work zones and estimates the queue lengths and additional road user costs that would result. Several applications of the model are reported and two enhancements that have been made to improve its utility and accuracy are documented. One enhancement is an analysis option to determine acceptable schedules for alternative lane-closure configurations based on a motorist-specified maximum acceptable length of queue or delay. The second enhancement is an algorithm to account for the natural diversion of traffic away from the freeway work zone to unspecified alternative routes.
Volume: 1148
Publisher: Transportation Research Board
Publication Date: 1987
Full Text URL: Link to URL
Publication Types: Books, Reports, Papers, and Research Articles
Topics: Construction Scheduling; Lane Closure; Software