Construction Industry Launches Postcard Campaign Targeting Congress: Coalition Identifies Six-Year Highway Bill as Missing Link in Economic Recovery
Abstract:Congress has yet to pass the reauthorization of the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century or TEA-21. The construction industry is telling Congress that a six-year, $375 billion bill is necessary for long-term planning, job creation, and to meet the federal share of investment needs identified in the U.S. Department of Transportation report to Congress. To keep pressure on Congress, members of the Transportation Construction Coalition (TCC) have launched a new national grassroots activity to remind lawmakers that failure to enact a reauthorization bill jeopardizes hundreds of thousands American jobs.
Publisher: American Road & Transportation Builders Association
Publication Date: November 6, 2003
Topics: Employment; Laws and Legislation; Road Construction Industry
Publication Date: November 6, 2003
Notes: The clearinghouse has a copy of this item.
Publication Types: Clearinghouse News Releases
Topics: Employment; Laws and Legislation; Road Construction Industry