Control Issues: Updated MUTCD Will Help Safeguard Work Zones
Author/Presenter: Huckaby, Ernest; Brown, Linda L.; Sears, Charles; Kittle, Cherie; Wainwright, Scott; Chapell, DebraAbstract:
For workers in the transportation construction industry, going to work every day invites the potential for harm to themselves and others. In the year 2000, over 1,000 people lost their lives to traffic accidents in work zones. This article will discuss the most recent version of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), focusing on traffic control in work zones and the differences between this version and the previous one, published in 1988.
Source: Roads & Bridges
Volume: 40
Issue: 7
Publisher: Scranton Gillette Communications, Inc.
Publication Date: July 2002
Topics: Standards; Traffic Control Devices; Work Zone Safety
Volume: 40
Issue: 7
Publisher: Scranton Gillette Communications, Inc.
Publication Date: July 2002
Notes: The clearinghouse has a copy of this item.
Publication Types: News and Other Non-research Articles
Topics: Standards; Traffic Control Devices; Work Zone Safety