Crashes Continue in I-80 Construction Zone in North Sacramento
Abstract:The big Interstate 80 reconstruction work zone in north Sacramento continues to be a problem for some drivers. On average, there has been a crash a day there since last summer, 80 percent of which are rear-end crashes. Crashes continue to increase despite safety efforts such as “slow for the cone zone” safety campaigns across the state, increased traffic citation amounts in construction areas, and speed limit reduction in the I-80 zone.
Source: The Sacramento Bee
Publication Date: November 20, 2014
Full Text URL: Link to URL
Publication Types: News and Other Non-research Articles
Topics: Crash Causes; Rear End Crashes; Work Zones
Publication Date: November 20, 2014
Full Text URL: Link to URL
Publication Types: News and Other Non-research Articles
Topics: Crash Causes; Rear End Crashes; Work Zones