Deaths in Highway Construction Zones Continue to Rise
Abstract:The number of people killed in highway work zones is at an all-time high. Most of those killed in work zone crashes were occupants of vehicles that collided with other cars or ran into construction equipment alongside the highway. A House subcommittee was to hold hearings Tuesday on the increase in work zone deaths, looking at ways to reduce numbers of accidents and fatalities. From reduced speed limits to warning signs, state transportation agencies have been trying to curb the growth in fatal accidents. They are doubling fines for speeding; requiring that more work be done at night when traffic is lighter; installing more message signs to warn motorists about the work; trying to keep all lanes open through a work zone to keep traffic moving; and even closing a road entirely in order to speed construction along.
Publication Date: July 24, 2001
Topics: Crash Data; Laws and Legislation; Speed Control; Work Zone Safety