Drivers Urged to Turn on Headlights in Work Zones: New Signs Signal Start of Enforcement
Abstract:Drivers traveling through some PENNDOT highway construction zones now must turn on their headlights in order to comply with a new state law which became effective February 21. PENNDOT is posting signs in advance of the designated work areas so that drivers will know where enforcement of the headlights provision will take place. The new lights on in work zones statute is a secondary law, meaning that a driver must have been stopped by police for another violation such as speeding or running a red light before being charged with violating the new provision. Where there is no sign in advance of the work zone, there will be no enforcement of the statute. Drivers who fail to comply with the new headlights on in work zones law face a fine of $25.
Publication Date: March 17, 2003
Topics: Fines; Laws and Legislation; Penalties; Work Zone Safety