Evaluation and Summary of Studies in Speed Control Methods in Work Zones
Author/Presenter: Benekohal, Rahim F.; Kastel, Lynn M.; Suhale, Mohamed I.Abstract:
This report summarizes and evaluates the important findings from the literature review of the studies on work zone speed control techniques. The following treatments are included in this report: 1) flagging, 2) lane width reduction, 3) law enforcement, 4) changeable message signs (CMS), 5) rumble strips, and 6) flashing beacons. The effects of the speed control treatments on speed and traffic flow are evaluated based on: A) experiences with treatment, B) effects of treatment on speed, C) effectiveness of treatment, and D) comments about treatment. A brief description of the conditions under which the treatments were applied is provided, and the speed reduction effects of each technique are discussed. A reference matrix was prepared to identify publications related to each type of speed reduction treatment used in work zones.
Publication Date: February 1992
Topics: Speed Control