Evaluation of Traffic Safety in Construction Work Zones
Author/Presenter: Udoka, Silvanus J.Abstract:
The objectives of this research are to (1) determine the crash rates for work zones; (2) determine the nature of traffic-related crashes in work zones and identify similarities and differences between nighttime and daytime crashes; (3) develop management practices that promote safety and mobility in work zones; and (4) develop work-zone crash reporting recommendations to further improve the data collected on work-zone crashes and improve safety requirements at work zones.
This research reviewed and documented pertinent literature pertaining to work zone safety: best practices, safety devices, and initiatives. The research sought to perform an analysis of the factors that influence accident rates at work zones, from a systems viewpoint. As part of this analysis, the characteristics of work zones that can reap the largest benefits in terms of accident reductions from best practices in the management practices that can mitigate crash factors were delineated. In addition, various types of accidents (and accident reductions) were examined to quantify the benefits of implementing management practices that promote safety and mobility in work zones.
Publication Date: 2005
The Clearinghouse has a copy of this item.
Topics: Best Practices; Crash Analysis; Crash Data; Crashes; Work Zone Safety; Work Zones