Free Online Service Can Help Improve Safety in Roadway Construction Zones
Abstract:To provide motorists, workers, transportation officials and others information to help prevent these incidents, the National Work Zone Safety Information Clearinghouse offers its extensive library and research services free of charge. At the Clearinghouse website, users will find the world’s most extensive information on work zone safety topics. Easy menus and search tools make navigating the site simple, even for inexperienced Internet users. For those who don’t have Internet access, the Clearinghouse offers its services through toll-free phone or fax. Opened in Feb. 1998, the Clearinghouse is a cooperative venture between the Federal Highway Administration and the American Road & Transportation Builders Association. It is operated by the Texas Transportation Institute and is supported by federal funds and contributions from private sector interests.
Publication Date: April 3, 2000
The Clearinghouse has a copy of this item.
Topics: Information Services; Work Zone Safety