Guidance for the Use of Portable Changeable Message Signs in Work Zones
Abstract:The document examines effective strategies for portable changeable message signs (PCMS) when used in work zones. The strategies address speeding, driver distraction, and demand management through work zones. The document is intended to provide guidance to agencies for appropriate uses of PCMS in their construction zones.
Modules Covered:
PCMS General Guidance, PCMS Strategies for Work Zone Speed Management, PCMS Strategies for Inattentive Driving in Work Zones, and PCMS Strategies for Work Zone Demand Management.
Policy development, planning, and construction.
Target Audience:
State and local DOT leadership, engineers, lead district engineers, contractor staff implementing highway work zones, and staff charged with device procurement.
8.5×11 color Guidebook. Portable document format (PDF)
Publication Date: 2013
Full Text URL: Link to URL
Cost: Free
For a hard copy, contact ATSSA, 540-368-1701, [email protected].
Topics: Changeable Message Signs; Truck-Mounted Changeable Message Signs