Identification of Traffic Control Devices for Mobile and Short Duration Work Operations
Author/Presenter: Paaswell, Robert E.; Baker, Robert F.; Kamga, Camille; Rouphail, Nagui M.Abstract:
This report documents and summarizes the study “Identification of Traffic Control Devices for Mobile and Short Duration Work Operations” for the New Jersey Department of Transportation. The study was conducted in three tasks: 1. Literature Search, 2. Evaluation Criteria and Analysis, and 3. Identify Guidelines to Eliminate Driver Inattentiveness, and Design Alternative Strategies and Techniques for Traffic Control. The study was conducted by two groups: the Region 2, University Transportation Research Center, City College of New York and the Institute for Transportation Research and Education, North Carolina State University. Working papers were completed for each of those tasks. The objective of this research project is to study mobile and short duration work zone safety with particular attention to the identification of work zone safety devices, information systems for the reduction of safety and congestion, and implementation of innovative techniques to reduce delays and crashes due to work zones. The research approach includes a literature search to identify the potential technologies and information systems for mobile and short duration work operations. Potential technologies and information systems were identified from the Transportation Research Board and National Cooperative Highway Research Program reports, international sources, Strategic Highway Research Program reports, other State DOT correspondence, and manufacturers and vendors. Recommendations are made to fabricate and implement the Balsi Beam with the assistance of Caltrans and the FHWA on selected short duration work zones and implement “Bright Zone Signs and Beacon Wear Safety Vests” to improve work safety and visibility in work zones.
Publication Date: July 2006
Full Text URL: Link to URL
Publication Types: Books, Reports, Papers, and Research Articles
Topics: Mobile Operations; Short Duration; Temporary Traffic Control; Traffic Control Devices; Work Zone Safety