IDOT, Rep. Hoffman and State Police Share Success of Program to Reduce Work Zone Speeds; Save Lives in Illinois
Abstract:The Illinois Department of Transportation worked with Representative Hoffman last year to use speed indicator boards on 13 metro east and southern Illinois interstate construction projects to display the speed of approaching vehicles in work zones. If motorists are exceeding the pre-set speed limit, the sign flashes the real time speed of oncoming vehicles. The speed indicator boards are now being used on all interstate projects with lane closures, after seeing a significant reduction in work zone speeds in areas where the boards were used.
Publisher: Illinois Department of Transportation
Publication Date: May 12, 2014
Topics: Dynamic Speed Display Signs; Lane Closure; Speed Control
Publication Date: May 12, 2014
Publication Types: News Releases
The Clearinghouse has a copy of this item.
Topics: Dynamic Speed Display Signs; Lane Closure; Speed Control