Impact Performance Evaluation of Work Zone Traffic Control Devices
Author/Presenter: Bligh, Roger P.; Bullard, D. Lance, Jr.; Menges, Wanda L.; Schoeneman, Sandra K.Abstract:
The goal of this project and related previous projects is to provide traffic control devices for use in work zones that would perform satisfactorily when impacted by errant vehicles in accordance with national safety performance guidelines set forth in National Cooperative Highway Research Program Report 350 (NCHRP Report 350). The specific objective of this project is to test and evaluate additional work zone sign supports and barricades to determine those that would perform satisfactorily when impacted by errant vehicles at 0 degrees (head-on).
This report consists of four chapters describing the performance of full-scale testing on work zone barricades. Chapter I introduces the problem, background, objectives and scope. Chapter II outlines the research approach of the project, including descriptions of the work zone traffic control devices tested, the crash test matrix, and the evaluation criteria. Results of the crash tests are presented in Chapter III. A summary of findings, conclusions, and recommendations is presented in Chapter IV.
Publication Date: December 2000
Topics: Crash Tests; Traffic Control Devices